
What is halotherapy

Halotherapy is a non-pharmacological method of treatment based on the use of artificial microclimate, similar to the conditions of underground salt speleological hospitals.

The room where the microclimate of Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany speleological hospitals is recreated is called “Halocamera”.

The main therapeutic features of halotherapy in a controlled microclimate:

Highly dispersed dry aerosol of natural rock salt of a certain range (from 0.5 mg/m to 10 mg/m ) with controlled therapeutic concentrations (regimes) in accordance with the method approved by the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. The main mass of air-dispersed particles (more than 80%) consist of the respirable fraction (1-5 μm), which makes the aerosol effective in all and even the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. Physicochemical properties of dry aerosol determine the specificity of the halotherapy technique, the main feature of which is the multicomponent therapeutic effect of extremely small doses of the substance.

Resellergenie and hypobacterial air medium.The presence of highly dispersed dry salt aerosol forms a free from microorganisms and allergens environment in a treatment room.

The stability of optimal microclimatic parameters. Air treatment environment has a residual humidity (40-60%) and the constant temperature (18-24°C), which is considered to be the most favorable and comfortable for the respiratory system.

Halotherapy mechanisms of action

Haloaerosol stimulates the protective mechanisms of the respiratory tract and has bronchodilating, anti-inflammatory, immunocorrecting effects. Dry aerosol of rock salt has an inhibitory effect on the growth and activity of microorganisms, leading to the loss of their pathogenic properties. The antimicrobial effect of sodium chloride contributes to the improvement of respiratory tract biocenosis. Light negative air ions present in the air environment activate metabolism and local protection of biological tissues. Also, they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes of the respiratory system and provide an adaptogenic effect on the central and peripheral stress-limiting systems of the body.

Indications for halotherapy course

  • frequent colds: ARI, SARS, sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia
  • respiratory tract diseases: chronic sinusitis, hypertrophy (enlargement) of tonsils and adenoids, rhinosinusopathy and bronchial asthma, pre-asthma
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis, chronic asthmatic bronchitis, recurrent tracheobronchitis, "smoker's bronchitis”
  • allergic diseases: allergodermatit, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, etc.
  • skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, pustular lesions of the skin of the hands, acne, hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands
  • cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, pre-and post-infarction conditions, high or low blood pressure
  • neuroses and neurosis-like states: stress, phobias, depression, sleep disorders
  • accommodation and work in environmentally unfavorable conditions, psycho-emotional stress, unstable working regime (floating schedule, night shifts, etc.)