

Cardiovascular diseases: Uncontrolled arterial hypertension of 2-3 degree. Cardiomyopathy. The presence of indications for surgical intervention on heart, and rehabilitation period after surgery (within 12 months). Rheumatic endomyocarditis. Myocarditis of infectious-allergic type. Ischemic heart disease (Acute myocardial infarction (12 months after rehabilitation period). Unstable angina. Heart rhythm disorders (atrial fibrillation, frequent premature beats, paroxysmal tachycardia, complete atrioventricular block and atrioventricular block of 2-3 degree, sinus bradycardia with heart rate less than 50 in 1 minute, and complete blockade of the right and left legs of ventriculonector).Frequent attacks of stenocardia in tension and rest (FC IV). Congestive heart failure). Hypertension of 3rd degree, resistant to hypotensive therapy. Atherosclerosis, discirculatory encephalopathy with impaired mental adaptation to the environment. Multifocal atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities with decompensation of peripheral blood, presence of ulceration and gangrene. Thromboembolic disease.

Respiratory system diseases: All diseases in acute period. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma that requires taking systemic corticosteroids. Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the development of pulmonary-cardiac insufficiency. Hemoptysis. A pleural effusion. Pulmonary heart.

Digestive system diseases: All diseases in acute period. Liver failure. Autoimmune hepatitis. Ulcerative colitis. Crohn's Disease. Celiac disease. Diverticulitis of the intestine. Acute viral hepatitis. Chronic viral hepatitis with medium and high degree of activity. All forms of jaundice.

Endocrine system diseases: Diabetes type 1. Decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2, the level of glucose level of 12 mmol/L. Diabetes mellitus type 2 on insulin therapy. Diffuse toxic goiter (hyperthyroidism).

Blood and blood-forming organs diseases: All blood system diseases in acute stage and exacerbation stage. Leukemia. Hodgkin's disease. Lymphoma. Hemophilia. Multiple myeloma. Anemia of moderate and severe degrees of severity. Anemia of any degree of unknown origin. Hemorrhagic diathesis.

Neuropsychiatric diseases: Epilepsy and epileptic syndrome with various forms of seizures. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation, transient ischemic attacks and their implications related to motor and speech disorders, etc. Pathological development of personality with marked disorders of behavior and social adaptation. Multiple sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Parkinson's Disease. Alzheimer's Disease. Myopathy. Diseases of the nervous system accompanied by mental disorders (psychosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder) and dementia. Antidepressants, tranquilizers, neurotropic drugs intake.

Urinary system diseases: Chronic kidney disease. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. Hematuria of any origin. Benign prostatic hyperplasia in the stage of decompensation.

Hematologic diseases: Leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, hemophilia, T-cell lymphoma, myeloma, anemia of moderate and severe degrees of severity.

Systemic autoimmune diseases: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Dermatomyositis. Rheumatoid arthritis degree of activity and corticosteroid dependence. Systemic sclerosis. Systemic vasculitis. Ankylosing Spondylitis.

  • Under 18 years old
  • Age over 65 years (individual treatment in coordination with doctor according with the medical program "Health 60 plus" or "General recovery")
  • Pregnancy
  • Tuberculosis
  • Condition after surgical intervention (6 months after abdominal surgery)
  • Cancer (in anamnesis)
  • Acute viral hepatitis.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: All venereal diseases in acute or infectious form (syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis with medium to high degree of activity
  • HIV infection.
  • Drugs addiction.
  • All diseases requiring hospital treatment.
In presence of gallstone and kidney stone disease the detox program is carried out without tyubazh procedures.
In the presence of polyps in gallbladder the issue regarding tyubazh treatment procedures is solved individually, depending on the number and size of polyps.