
What is EPR-Test?

It is a method of early diagnosis that helps to detect cancer before any clinical manifestations appear. It is very sensitive and specific:

  • Sensitivity > 90% (demonstrates the probability of the fact that an ill subject will be identified as ill).
  • Specificity < 95% (demonstrates the probability of the fact that a subject that is not ill will be identified as such).

This data shows the unique advantages of this method:

  • EPR-Test is more precise and informative than any other method for an early cancer diagnosis;
  • it helps to identify the presence of a malignant tissue growth regardless of its localization by a single blood test.

The method is based on albumin testing – the main transport protein in the blood. This protein constantly interacts with cells and tissues. In cancer tissue, it stays for a longer period of time. Cancer cells produce a number of specific bioactive substances that bind to albumin, and this changes the albumin molecule. Such changes can be detected. When malignant tumors grow actively, EPR-Test helps to accurately detect structural changes at an early stage.

EPR-Test at Kivach clinic

The specialists of the clinic use EPR-Test for early diagnosis of cancer. The test is included in the Anti-age check-up program.

Anti-age check-up program.


  • Early diagnosis of cancer.
  • Monitor cancer treatment in order to change the therapy and control the recurrence of the disease.

About the procedure

Duration: 5 minutes.
Anesthesia: not required.

What happens during the test?

A nurse will draw a blood sample in a procedure room. The sample is taken in the morning and then sent to a laboratory. After the results are received, the doctor will consult a patient.

The result of the EPR-test is not a final and definitive diagnosis.

During the consultation, the doctor will listen to your wishes, carry out an examination, recommend tests that correspond to certain problems, and order additional tests and offer adequate therapy if needed.


There is a list of diseases and symptoms that lower the sensitivity and accuracy of the test:

  • sepsis;
  • multiple organs failure;
  • acute viral or inflammatory disease;
  • severe skin burns;
  • severe injury with significant blood loss;
  • severe drug intoxication;
  • postoperative period (up to 28 days);
  • being under the influence of alcohol and drugs;
  • low blood albumin (hypoalbuminaemia);
  • pregnancy;

It is not recommended to have the EPR-Test when taking high doses of the following medications:

  • cortisone and its derivatives;
  • octanoates and their derivatives;
  • salicylites and their derivatives;
  • warfarin and its derivatives;
  • Lysophosphatidic acid and its derivatives;
  • tretinoin and its derivatives;
  • valproate and its derivatives;
  • latrozol and its derivatives;
  • diclofenac and its derivatives;
  • tamoxifen and its derivatives.


  1. What result should be expected?
  2. Detection of cancer.

  3. Is the test safe?
  4. The test is safe – only a blood sample is drawn.

  5. Is the test painful?
  6. There might be minor discomfort when a blood sample is drawn. It does not affect the overall condition of a patient.

  7. How to prepare for the test?
    • A blood sample is drawn in the morning. A light breakfast is allowed.
    • Avoid smoking and doing physical exercises two hours before the test.
    • A blood sample can be drawn four weeks after an operation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, exacerbation of an inflammatory disease.
  8. How long does the rehabilitation period last?
  9. There is no rehabilitation period. The puncture wound heals within several minutes.

  10. Are complications possible?
  11. There are no complications.

  12. What ensures that the test is successful?
    • Qualified doctors with extensive practical experience.
    • The use of certified drugs and advanced equipment.
    • Compliance with the standards of medical care.