
What is cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis (Greek kρυο – "cold" lat. Lipolysis – "fat dissolution") is a modern high-tech procedure for figure correction and elimination of fat deposits without surgery, by hardware cooling of fat cells (adipocytes). Cryolipolysis apparatus with a vacuum nozzle is used in the clinic.

In cryolipolysis, fat cells are not being destroyed at the moment of cold exposure on them, but during 2-3 months after the procedure. As the number of fat cells in hypoderm reduces, its thickness decreases ranging from 20 to 25%. Adipose tissue is quite sensitive to low temperatures, which in fact provides the clinical effect of the procedure.Other tissues are not affected by cryolipolysis. The main prerequisite for the conduction of the procedure is the presence of a fat layer of 1-2 cm thickness, if the fat thickness is less it is not recommended to carry out the procedure. The procedure can be conducted on any body part with the exception of face, neck and décolleté zone. The result develops in a few weeks, reaching its maximum in 3-4 months.

The mechanism of impact

When the temperature reaches -5 degrees Celsius, adipocytes (fat cells) begin to experience energy starvation, as a result of which, the process of apoptosis (natural cell death) is launched. Decay products of adipose tissue cells are eventually eliminated from the body through blood and lymph. The procedure duration in one zone is 30-40 minutes.

Procedure technique

After assessing the size of the fat fold on the problem area, a gel pad (antifreeze) is applied. The applicator draws the fat fold under the vacuum exposure and cools subcutaneous fat. The duration of one session is 30-40 minutes (depending on the thickness of fat fold). Subjectively, at the beginning of the procedure, the patient may experience minor discomfort sensations (tingling, pressure). After removal of the applicator, the skin in the "capture" area turns red, and also can get a light bluish tint (like after "medical jars"). Skin returns to normal condition 20-30 minutes after the procedure. The patient can feel numbness and a slight chill, which lasts no longer than 30 minutes. It is recommended to drink plenty of water after the procedure and abstain from eating for 2 hours.

Indications for cryolipolysis

  • excess local fatty deposits of abdomen, back, waist, hips, legs, arms;
  • cellulite, reduced skin turgor.


  • traumatic injuries, scars, skin hernias in the place of the procedure;
  • individual intolerance to cold;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • pacemake;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • circulatory system diseases;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • thrombosis;
  • under 18 years;
  • chronic diseases in exacerbation stage;
  • Raynaud's disease.

Possible complications

In some cases bruises and swelling, burning and tingling sensations, loss of skin sensitivity for several weeks are possible. Rare spastic muscle contractions in the place of procedure.