
What is trichology?

The area of medicine that studies morphology (external and internal structure) and physiology of hair. It develops methods for treating hair and scalp.

Trichology at Kivach clinic

This area is closely related to cosmetology. It includes a number of hardware and injection methods that not only eliminate aesthetic skin defects but also solve problems such as hair loss, which results in the stimulation of hair growth and the improvement of its quality.

The key programs of the clinic (body detox programs) increase the effectiveness of trichological treatment. This is due to the excretion of toxins from the body, which leads to the restoration of cells' habitat and their functionality. Thus, the effect of therapeutic and preventive procedures is enhanced by the work of the body's defense mechanisms. This accelerates the healing process.

Applying the principles of integrative medicine (a combination of Western developments and Eastern methods of traditional medicine), clinic’s trichologists carry out not only modern high-tech procedures but also use naturopathic methods typical for ancient medical systems.


Elena Olenina

Dermatologist-cosmetologist, trichologist, Head of the Department of Cosmetology

Natalia Gurova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

Yulia Potasheva

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist