
What is spirometry?

It is a method of measuring external respiration. It is one of the main diagnostic methods for assessing lung function. Spirometry is prescribed in order to identify lung capacity and the ability of the bronchi to let the air through during inspiration and expiration.

Spirometry at Kivach Clinic

The specialists at the clinic carry out this test using a spirometer – a special device that measures the volume of air in the lungs, the volume of air exhaled in 1 second, and the speed of expiration.


  • smoking tobacco – in order to detect obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • chronic or persistent cough.
  • shortness of breath.
  • breathing disorders that accompany various diseases.
  • gas exchange disorders (low blood oxygen and high blood carbon dioxide).
  • differential diagnosis (making a diagnosis using a method of exclusion) between bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – to monitor and determine a prognosis.
  • to monitor lung condition during treatment.

About the test

Duration: 15-30 minutes.
Anesthesia: not required.

What to expect during the procedure?

The test is carried out using a spirometer. The patient is seated next to the device. A special clip is placed on the nose to prevent the air from escaping through the nose. The patient breathes through the mouth into a special tube, following the doctor’s instructions. A special single-use mouthpiece is placed onto the tube for hygienic purposes.

The spirometer processes the data automatically, so the results are available within 5-10 minutes after the test. The doctor analyzes the data and identifies the disorders of external respiration.


  • eye, chest, or abdominal surgeries in the past two months;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumothorax;
  • aortic dissection;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • heart attack or stroke less than a month ago;
  • mental disorders (the inability to follow the doctor’s instructions on the speed and quality of breath during the test);
  • age under 5 and over 75;


  1. Is the procedure safe?
  2. In some cases, the test might worsen a patient's condition. All such cases are listed in the contraindications, and the procedure is not prescribed in the presence of those.

  3. Is the procedure painful?
  4. The procedure is painless. During or right after the procedure a patient might feel fatigued, dizzy, or have elevated blood pressure. These manifestations are temporary and are not dangerous for the patient.

  5. How to prepare for the procedure?
  6. The test is done on an empty stomach. It is recommended to wear loose clothes that allow you to take a deep breath.

    • What ensures that the test is successful?
    • Smoking is permitted no less than 12 hours before the test.
    • The intake of some drugs might be canceled 24 hours before the test.
  7. Что гарантирует успех процедуры?
    • Qualified doctors and nurses with an extensive practical experience.
    • Advanced equipment and drugs.
    • Compliance with the norms of aseptics and other standards of medical care.